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서평쟁이의 서평

into the magic shop - james R. doty

by 책과함께라면 2019. 12. 3.

first this book is really based on brain science and magic(?).
so the writer said something special that I can do it if I can imagine it or if you meet in your real fear you can remove fear. 
I just surprised of that and a little worried bcz I know one book. that book name is 'secret'.
this book is really good book but has some bad points.  the point is. just imagine it and just trust yourself. 
in my opinion it is really not good method. people usually dont know how to do it and how to succes it. 
especially in south korean people always play game or watching fucking youtube or facebook, insta.
and they always want to have safey job. that main point they dont have dream.

but till reading this book writer break some stereotypes. that magic was real!!
actually when he was young he doesn't know what point was real.
and getting older and keep going his studying finally he got some knowledge and proud.
and his magic teacher always said him that this power is so powerful and too dangerous so you have to know this power and share some kind people. I like brain science and I want to know more.
so in these days I read books about brain( how to fix your brain, the end of alzheimers etc) and another book too.
that book has really knowledge and meditation.  actually I learned about meditation in my temple teacher.
it was really useful. sometimes I use it and when i am doing exercise hardly I use it kkk.
I recommend this book for student bcz it is not hard to read it and it is good for kid especially losing path that what I have to do or dream.





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