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TGIF의 다양한 의미들!

by 책과함께라면 2021. 7. 3.

미국인들이 자주 쓰는 단어인 TGIF


원래의 의미는 Thank God It's Friday이다. 이에 대한 자세한 내용은 아래 링크에 있습니당


미국인들이 자주 쓰는 TGIF 뜻

Thanks God It's Friday! 신이여 감사합니다. 오늘은 금요일이에요! 1970년 초 WAKR라는 라디오 스테이션의 DJ인 Jerry Healy이 쓴 것이 시초로 여겨지며, 유명해진건 1978년 Donna Summer라는 영화였다. 미..



이외에도 다양한 의미들을 줄임말처럼 쓰기도 합니다.



TGIF - Thank God It's Friday 
TGIF - Thank God I Found You
TGIF - TGI Friday's (US restaurant chain)
TGIF - The Green Initiative Fund
TGIF -Turfgrass Information File
TGIF - Thank Goodness It's Friday
TGIF - Today God Is First
TGIF - That Girl Is Fat
TGIF - Toes Go In First
TGIF - This Goes in Front
TGIF - Thank God I'm French
TGIF - Thank God I'm Free
TGIF - Thank God I'm Forgiven
TGIF - Thank God It's Funday
TGIF - The Great Index to Fun (Honolulu, HI)
TGIF - Teaching Geography Is Fundamental Act
TGIF - Thank God I'm Female
TGIF - Thank God I'm Filipino
TGIF - The Great Indoor Fight
TGIF - The Great Idea Finder
TGIF - Thank God It's Free
TGIF - The Global Institute of Finance and Banking
TGIF - Tactical Ground Intercept Facility
TGIF -Thank God It's Florida
TGIF - Thank God It Floats (Navy architects)
TGIF - Transgenic and Gene-Targeting Institutional Facility (University of Kansas Medical Center)
TGIF - The Gifted in Fremont
TGIF - Thank God I'm Fresh
TGIF - That Girl Is Fine
TGIF - Transportable Ground Intercept Facility
TGIF - Texas Geriatrics Interest Foundation
TGIF - Toy and Game Inventor's Forum
TGIF - That Girl Is Funny (website)
TGIF - Thank God I'm Finished
TGIF - The Global Institute Forum (Indian School of Business; India)
TGIF - The Greek Intervention Framework
TGIF - To Get Information First
TGIF - Transportable Ground Interface Facility
TGIF - Treasurer's Group in Force
TGIF - Tata Group Innovation Forum (Tata Quality Management Services)
TGIF - Tadpoles Grow Into Frogs
TGIF - Totally Good Internet Filtered (Family Life Ministries)
TGIF - Thank God I'm Fired
TGIF - Top Grade Insulation Fabrication (Waco, TX)
TGIF - That Girl Is Freaky
